Jackie Pearce: Copywriter

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Why Your Environment Matters

Today’s blog is straight from the heart today.

We need to talk about creating supportive environments and following your dreams. Is it gonna get ~woo woo~? Probably. But do some of you need it? Also probably.

I don’t often get personal on the ~internet~, but in order to talk about today’s topic, there are a few things that you’ll need to know about my life and where I grew up.

I grew up in the suburbs of a well-off city. It was the kind of city where my classmates got cars for their 16th birthday. Used reliable cars, but still, cars. The kind of city where everyone was expected to go to college and go on to be perfect suburban-dwellers.

Now, I grew up with less than my peers. I won’t say I grew up poor because I had all of my basic needs met, but in my single-parent household we pulled in about an average of $19,000 per year to give you some context. There was no car on any of my birthdays, but I was blessed to have my teeth cleaned regularly (a true luxury with America’s current healthcare system).

However, even without extra money, there was something to be said about being in an environment where the default was success.

(Although let me say, pursing something crazy like a whole career as a woman was generally frowned-upon. Thus, why I moved at 18 and never went back.)

Why are we diving into my childhood and what does this have to do with copywriting? Because I recently went on vacation and had a stark reminder of how essential it is to be in the right environment. Don't get me wrong, it was lovely to sit on a beach and put my feet in the ocean, but there was a general depression throughout the city I visited I couldn’t put my finger on. (I don’t think I’ll name the city just in case someone is from there and wants to ~come for me~.)

The city we were in had the equivalent energy of asking someone how they’re doing, and the response everyone says is, “Just tryin’ to survive, ya know?” in a charming Southern accent.

The kind of energy where anyone who was doing more than just surviving was a threat.

“Going for your dreams? Well aren’t you getting too big for your britches?”

Deciding to be a writer is not like choosing another career. Most people look at you like you’re crazy. Do all writers get rich? No. Is the entire world and internet full of people paying for writing? Yes.

One of the most common themes I see in comments on my content are around the idea of people wanting to get into writing, but there’s a general lack of support around them.

No matter where you grew up, I’ve realized the only thing that really matters is if you were in a supportive or non-supportive environment (but also having money sure helps a fuck-ton).

Lots of people don’t believe they can make it as a writer (or in any career) because the people in their immediate environment put it down.

I’ve always been surrounded by people who are moving forward with their lives. Even through tremendous setbacks and difficulties, they’re doing something to constantly move themselves forward. They’re having kids, going to school, getting another degree, moving to a new city. Just constant, forward movement.

I constantly forget that not everyone has that luxury in their environment for a million different reasons. When it comes to changing your life, the hardest part is often overcoming the environment you're in.

This email is simply sympathy and a note of encouragement to find people who support what you do. Your dream might not be crazy, you might just be around the wrong people and listening to the wrong influences.

Being in a good environment not only applies to writing and chasing your dream career, it applies to every facet of your life. When I worked in the fitness industry, I saw how much of a person’s diet and overall health was heavily influenced by the people around them. (Unsupportive spouses is a WHOLE other rant for a different day.)

Wanting to make a career out of writing is often a laughing matter to people. Think of how many people make writing degrees the butt of their jokes.

The most ironic part is hearing people criticize writing but then going to watch the newest Netflix show — which, reminder — SOMEONE WAS PAID TO WRITE THE SCRIPT FOR.

Through the years I have culled people who aren’t supportive of my choices from my life, but the most important thing I can say is that you need to infuse your life with people who are doing what you want to do. Although I’ve been loud about not networking with writers (because writers don’t hire writers, generally), maybe I’ve been wrong about that. Maybe you need to infuse your entire brain with writers who have made it a career. Maybe you need to see that it's possible.

That’s at least easier advice than divorcing your spouse and moving to a whole new city, anyway.

Recently, I joined an online course (something I haven’t done in a hot minute) and the energy of being around people who have the same interests and hobbies is giving me all kinds of energy. It’s a breath of fresh air. AND that’s coming from someone who has supportive people around her.

Mentioning a good environment, my coaching program is once again open for anyone who wants at least one person in their corner.

I also have a Facebook and Discord group for anyone who wants to simply network and connect with other writers.

Outside of that, please know there are people out there doing what you want to do. It might take you longer than other people to get there, but you need to do everything you can to put yourself in an environment to succeed.